
With extensive experience in the areas of Supplementary Health Care and Medical/Hospital Law, DA FONTE ADVOGADOS provides all the legal advice and support related to the sector, for the implementation of projects and resolution of issues in both administrative and judicial spheres, preventively and litigiously.

Among the main services, we highlight the administrative defenses before the regulatory and inspection entities of the health activity (Professional Councils, ANS, Public Ministry, PROCON etc.), constant updating of the strategic theses in lawsuits in light of the most recent positions of the Courts, discussion of the legality of supplementary health fees, monitoring of the measures adopted by the Executive Health Committees of the Courts throughout the country, monitoring of the judicialization of the portfolio of health consumers, protection of the client's legal image, ethical care in dealing with patients, preparation of technical opinions, in addition to the analysis, preparation and review of the contractual instruments of the legal relationships entered into between the various players in the sector.

Our clients are healthcare entrepreneurs, physicians, nationwide health plans, hospital groups, and medical clinics and diagnostics, with services ranging from private contractual relations between these agents, to tax and regulatory obligations inherent to the sector.

  • Preventive, advisory and strategic litigation linked to health operators;
  • Monitoring and orientation on changes and innovations in Supplementary Health and Medical Law;
  • Guidelines on conducting NIP (Notification of Preliminary Intermediation) and monitoring of ANS assistance;
  • Legal-regulatory advice in situations of economic-financial risk detected by the Regulatory Agency;
  • Monitoring of the other administrative processes in the sector;
  • Elaboration and monitoring of authorization processes for the operation of private health care insurance and product registration before ANS;
  • Support for questions related to the Supplementary Health legislation;
  • Elaboration and monitoring of projects for transferring control of health care companies;
  • Support in the necessary contractualization between the Supplementary Health agents - physicians, clinics, laboratories, hospitals, and health care insurance;
  • Representation in administrative proceedings for fines imposed by the regulatory agency;
  • Assistance and monitoring of procedures for alienation of the portfolio of private health care plan beneficiaries;
  • Monitoring and support in complying with Terms of Commitment and Conduct Adjustment - TCAC; and
  • Filing and monitoring of annulment and declaratory actions of tax debts for the discussion of fines imposed by the Regulators.
Eliana Ferraz
  • Corporate Labor Law
  • Health
  • Indústria
Mariana Machado
  • Civil Law
  • Health
Marília Couceiro
  • Civil Law
  • Health
Paula Lôbo Naslavsky
  • Civil Law
  • Reorganization & Bankrupctcy
  • Health
Simony Braga
  • Corporate Labor Law
  • ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance
  • Health
  • Technology and Inovation
  • Indústria


A norma constitucional protege amplamente o direito à liberdade de crença, consciência, expressão e orientação política, sendo frontalmente vedada a privação do direito de escolha do posicionamento político ou filosófico, sob pena de configurar motivo para a rescisão indireta do contrato de trabalho.

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Programas e sistemas computacionais capazes de monitorar sinais vitais, gerenciar informações clínicas ou auxiliar no diagnóstico estão sujeitos a normas específicas desde 2022.

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Fim dos incentivos fiscais poderá acarretar uma severa desindustrialização do Nordeste, pois é inegável que eles foram essenciais para a atração e a manutenção dos inúmeros empreendimentos produtivos na região.

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Avenida Antônio de Góes, 60, JCPM Trade Center, 1º andar
CEP: 51.010-000, Pina, Recife/PE, Brasil
+55 (81) 2126.0092
São Paulo